



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

And yet another year has passed–our 8th on Pitufa and we’re still very happy with our life under sails :-)

We started the year 2019 quite active working on our mooring project in Rapa Iti and spent the rest of the cyclone season in our favourite corner of French Polynesia–the Gambier Islands. After that we had a few weeks of adventures in the Tuamotus, entering minimalistic, uncharted passes, exploring atolls–always searching for wildlife, getting disappointed in many places, but finding some untouched motus.

Then followed a prolongued time in Tahiti with my mom visiting, a serious shopping frenzy and a series of health issues: first Christian pinched off the tip of his index finger with our swimming ladder (surgery and a painful recovery took a while), then I managed to pick up a severe cold, a stomach bug and finally dengue fever.

After that we decided we had deserved some holidays away from it all, so we’ve been hanging out in the Tuamotus for a while, enjoying our usual mixture of boat projects, writing and nature exploring :-) Leeloo is getting a bit frail and tired, but is still doing well given her age.

We wish all those who sail along on our blog a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, successful and interesting year 2020!

1 comment

  1. Norbert Vorstädt says:

    Auch euch schöne Weihnachten und ein besseres 2020! Wir lesen immer noch täglich euren Blog und freuen uns über jeden neuen Eintrag. Weiterhin schönes Segeln, Gesundheit und Lebensfreude.

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