



Laundry in a bucket

This morning we awoke to a perfectly calm lagoon, Pitufa was floating in a sea of turquoise surrounded by coralheads, so Christian took the dinghy out to take some pics of our pretty, little Sparkman & Stephens. Of course there’s laundry on the line–you’ll hardly ever see Pitufa without this kind of decoration ;-)

When we set out we used to collect used clothes, towels, etc. in a bag that got smellier and grubbier every day until we finally found a washing machine somewhere to do a big load. In Isabela (Galapagos) we couldn’t load the machine ourselves, but the guy from the launderette took the bag from me to do it himself. He (literally) turned up his nose, gave me an accusing look and said “Es muy sucio” (it’s very dirty). Doing laundry clearly wasn’t his vocation, but I had to admit that he was right.
From then on we stopped accumulating laundry, but simply started washing a few pieces every day. Theoretically we’d have enough energy and water from the solar panels and watermaker to run a washing machine, but we don’t have the space to fit one, so we use a bucket and it’s really not a big deal to wash 4 T-Shirts one day, some knickers the next and from time to time a towel, bedsheet or duvet cover (when the weather looks stable).

Unfortunately this March was really rainy, so we accumulated more things than we usually do and then I found a whole locker containing our spare towels and bed sheets had gone moldy/smelly. Washing those big things in unstable weather conditions was a bit of a challenge, but today we finished the last ones!

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