



Ten years!

Ten years ago we set out from Pula (Croatia). We didn’t know then whether we’d like this life, whether we’d be able to deal with all the challenges it poses. We were happy, but also quite anxious… On the one hand it feels like yesterday, on the other hand we have experienced and seen so much during those years that it seems like a lifetime…

Luckily it turns out that leaving the rat race was just the right decision for us! We’re still very happy with our alternative lifestyle and looking forward to all the new places, cultures and adventures that lie ahead :-)

The only thing that casts a shadow on today’s anniversary is that our ship’s cat Leeloo didn’t quite make it to this date…

The morning we set out on our first passage on Pitufa:

And now:

1 comment

  1. ZwerfCat says:

    It’s incredible, the difference in your body language. You’ve grown a lot. Look so much more confident and sparkling. Awesome

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