



Slowed down

Yesterday we went to Suva to meet up with an NGO about the Tabu and to do some grocery shopping. We were quite astounded when strangers stopped us on the street to shake our hands and wish us well. Turns out we were on the cover of the Fiji Sun–we had given an interview the week before…
Despite all the cheering and good wishes, the mood is a bit gloomy on Pitufa. I still have no MRI results for my elbow and don’t know whether simply immobilising is the right course of action and my lungs and ribs are giving me trouble again. Bureaucratic hurdles for donations are slowing our x-ray project down, so we went to the ministry of Itaukei affairs yesterday and hope to make progress. The guidelines on applications for MAKING a donation are a dozen pages long and the first part is mainly threats what will happen if you don’t get it right ;-)

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