



Still not checked in

We’ve been in Vanuatu now for 5 days, but we still haven’t been ashore, as we haven’t been able to officially clear in yet. The cruise ship for which the officals were meant to fly in was canceled, another one was possibly scheduled for yesterday, but didn’t show either.
It’s been blowing 25 knots for the past few days, so we were working indoors, I wrote an article and Christian was programming. Then we wanted to repair our Pitufa banner (the letters were coming off), but Miss Pfaff quit during this job (with smoking motor–scary!!), so Christian tried his luck as a sewing machine mechanic, but hasn’t found the problem yet (we’ll probably need internet for more research on that).
It looks like the conditions will calm down sufficiently for us to sail up to the neighbouring island today, so we can finally meet the officials and get cleared into the country…

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