

Just got a new mattress

When land-based people want a new mattress they just go to a shop and buy one. For cruisers like us, that’s just the first step. Then comes the explanation where the thing should be delivered to (what, you have no address, what do you mean, just come to the parking space of the yacht club?), to be repeated several times a few days later on… Continue reading »


Plants overboard

We’ve been stuck in Tahiti since last week, struggling with delayed appointments, unfriendly staff at chandleries and a general feeling that the world’s not cooperating with our plans. Somehow the herb garden under our spray hood got infected with lice and some strange, mould-like disease. My frantic efforts at cleaning the leaves and fighting the lice manually had not much effect, so with a very… Continue reading »


New railing netting

The last couple of days, in-between the hiking trips with more and less luck (we still have not found the track from Paopao to Vaiare…), we replaced the netting of the railing around Pitufa. Sounds easier than it actually was–in total we spent 3 full working days cutting, attaching, stretching, swearing, undoing, reattaching and tightening the bloody thing. The old one had started to disintegrate… Continue reading »


Operation pathfinder

Last year we did lots of hiking in Moorea and usually found our way (even though sometimes in circles) to our destination (or at least A destination) despite the fact that most paths have no signs (we suspected that tour guides with entrepreneurial spirit removed them to support their business…). The two hikes last week to the waterfalls on the eastern side were also simple… Continue reading »



After a series of fare-well dinners and drinks with Liesbet from Irie, we motored from Vaiare to Cooks Bay on the northern coast of Moorea on Thursday. On the way we caught a giant wahoo, so we’ll have fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next couple of days (in addition to some pressure-cooked jars for some time later). Don’t worry, we’re having a… Continue reading »